santa mistura
1 link = fashion X design = + 1000 links | English Version
Annabelle Verhoye creates sophisticated, sensual and elegant illustration and art. Her style combines delicate layers of delightful patterns. I just love all patterns... ;))
Sunday, April 23, 2006
With the desire to create innovative concepts, Kirsty designed three dimensionally with textiles to create a series of collections that would add an impact to the interior.
small descriptions on the life... and, thus, Jana Magalhães present her photos and illustrations
Monday, April 17, 2006

In Portuguese = brand design + colors theory + image experimental = + info link
ezboard present ... "Centred on the concept of football as a ‘common language’ and a deep passion which brings people from all walks of life together, the trexis reflect the artists’ impressions of what football and Coca-Cola mean to them. Each of the 25 trexis come in individual, unique packages designed by the respective artists. In addition, each package details the artists’ biographies and their inspirations for their ‘We all speak football’ trexi designs".
* H Y P E *1 different galery on line = 1 e-motion gallery
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
30 years in Apple products: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Image made by Richard Thomas flickr
Friday, April 07, 2006

Stuart Semple - New Napoleon in rags, the official website of the young British artist, painter
Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Collection created in cooperation with international reknown designers. 1 link of products with irreproachable design separated by segment;)
Designing a new world 1914-1939 = It´s the first exhibition to explore the concept of Modernism in depth, rather than restricting itself, as previous exhibitions have, to particular geographical centres or to individual decades. Many forms of art and design are represented in the show. The range of objects – including architectural, interior, furniture, product, graphic and fashion design as well as painting, sculpture, film, photography, prints, collage – reflects the period's emphasis on the unity of the arts and the key role of the fine arts in shaping contemporary visual culture.
V&A- Cromwell Road - London SW7 - + 44 (0)20 7942 2000