santa mistura
1 link = fashion X design = + 1000 links | English Version
" his subjects remind us that paintings are not “reality,” but rather doorways to worlds within and beyond reality."
Thursday, March 30, 2006
He signs children books + writer + composer + singer + clown + acts in the band Conga, the woman gorilla = between April and May he will be " A to Ziggy, in the theater of the jockey/Rio de Janeiro (more info tel: 00 55 21 25409853) = 1 favorite link

they believe in active media, and live by rule of "never just observe, always interact" = I see it, they do it ;)

it´s organized in 'folders" = 1 different portfolio that I found in the main page of the trendguide
Also I find this link in trendguide = TSANG Kin-wah + pattern series = Combining the foul language (text) with the floral pattern (image) and arranging the text in the form of flowers and plants, which are swirling and running throughout the space, helps to link up their organic force that underneath both Nature and human on one hand, and, on the other, creates different layers of interpretation in which image is the embellishment, the surface while text (foul language) and the emotions attached are the latent and the fundamental. These shouts present in the space but they only appear and exist in one's mind after being discovered and realized.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Motel is committed to housing the freshest in emerging art = 1 link 4 to be visited

"Are they paintings or photographs? Real or fantasy? In Loretta Lux's gently surreal portraits of children, nothing is quite what it seems."

Saturday, March 25, 2006
they said "Simply enter the measurements of your current kitchen, then drag and drop cabinets into place. See your kitchen idea in 3-D view - try out different cabinets and doors without even getting out of your chair!"
But it is not so easy... looks my kitchen, the worse image of the my blog!!! I think is better to call an interiors designer ;))
She took her design expertise in color, texture, and beauty. 1 vibrant and versatile collection, coordinating paper journals, note sets, gift wrap and accessories ; ))

Before & After is dedicated to making graphic design understandable, useful and even fun for everyone.

1 blog that´s defined an "electronic cafôfo ", full of hints. I love this link, full of marvelous news. After, to know the work of the author designer of the Mukifuchic, you can also visit her link in the flickr Ana Castilhos
Sunday, March 19, 2006
an online publication
designed to showcase
the creative
talents of established
and emerging
visual artists from all
over the world.

marvelous portfolio + fashion illustrator = 1+1 favorite
"Although everything, does Rio de Janeiro stay beautiful? To see: 79 artists that compose the collective "A cara do Rio " (since march 11, in the Centro Cultural Correios) had answered to the question of the custodian Marcelo Frazão. Of the occasion pessimism to resistance optimism , the creativity mixed the inks of indifference and abandonment with the colors of the landscape, beautiful. They are paintings, sculptures, installations, engravings, drawings and signed photographs by Rizza Conde, Ricardo Newton, Claudio Valerio Teixeira, Evandro Mesquita, Lula Lindenberg, between many others . "

darken the limits between beautiful arts and commercial art = 1 project Marilyn Minter
Saturday, March 11, 2006
illustrations, special prints and silhouettes that challenge forms ;)